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Gardening Tips for Future Gardeners

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

by Trever Jobinger

Now in the height of spring, it’s become a gardener’s delight in ranches, backyards, and raised planters across the nation. Even though there is an abundance of cucumber, corn, zucchini, and other vegetable crops currently, the number one crop to go to is still the classic sun-ripened homegrown tomato. But with over 10,000 varieties of tomatoes, it can be overwhelming for amateur gardeners to know where to begin. Luckily, some Minarets families have turned to local experts for advice on their homegrown tomato crops.

Laura of Lotus Gardens Outdoor Nursery is a trusted name when it comes to finding and cultivating the best tomato, having worked in the gardening business for over 20 years with much expertise and community-known results.

As an advisor at the local Lotus nursery, Laura has worked with Scott Jobinger, a local domestic gardener for the last 10 years and Minarets parent. Laura’s go-to tomato suggestions are Celebrity, Beefsteak, Early Girl, Mortgage Lifter, and Cherokee Purple. She also strongly suggests the Indeterminate tomato because it will keep producing a crop all season long.

Laura’s three tips to help a new garden owner is 1) start with good soil that has been tilled, 2) use a drip irrigation system with a timer to ensure accurate watering distribution, and 3) plant a strong, disease-resistant tomato variety that can produce all season long.

Jobinger takes Laura’s advice yearly and plants upwards of 50 tomato plants each spring. The sole reason that he plants the tomatoes is for home cooking (salsa, pasta sauce, BLTs, and Caprese). As a local gardener, he can attest to the simple steps that Laura recommends to tend the garden and has been able to produce many years of bountiful crops. Jobinger also adds how relaxing and rejuvenating time spent in the garden is and would recommend it to anybody.

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